Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What do you want your life to be?

I don't want to get all mushy on everyone, its a good question though.

What do you want YOUR life to be?

Do you want your life to be different?

I'm 34, not married , rent an apartment and have no children. To some it may look as though the sound of sad violin playing should be in the background.

I don't think so!

Don't feel sorry for this chica, I'm happy....could always get better...I could strike it rich!!! LOL

I have great friends...my family is there for me, I love to have fun!

Now, as for the question. Well, I do know that I want to live a healthy and happy life, someday have children (yeah,yeah,yeah...I still have time) , I'd like to run my own business and traveling sounds good....oh wait, thats not really answering the question...those are just wants and goals.

Oh ok, What do I want MY life to be?

...I want it to be filled with as much love and joy as I can possibly muster, I want my life to have some meaning.

I want to be able to say that I made a contribution to this planet.

What do you want your life to be?

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