Thursday, June 7, 2007

Just thinking ...............Life.

It's been a busy week, but I'm getting a chance to relax later so its all good.

There is still a lot to do today.

Ok...perhaps a little relaxation now.....AAAAAAAAAAAH....

....I just took 15 minutes to step away from it all and relax. Life is so short. It doesn't hurt to take a moment to appreciate it. Doesn't hurt at all. A moment to look at how far you've come and where you're heading.

I feel great.

I sat at my desk in my office at home and gazed out the window. The afternoon light is fading just a little .I watched a little girl run down the street to get some helado de coco and run back into the house laughing because she was in her pajamas in public. I listened to the sound of my grandfathers voice as he sang along to some salsa music playing on TV in the livingroom. I enjoyed the taste of my tea as I sipped it from my favorite cup.

I'm happy. I have good friends and a loving family, my ventures are starting to reap some rewards, life is good. I know, spend wisely, invest well. I am.

My friends and family, I'm so grateful for them, for everything.

**If you're reading this right now, take a moment to appreciate what you have.

My cup of tea is empty now. Time to get back to work.

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