Thursday, June 7, 2007

Latino Versus Hispanic?

Hola my friends, I wanted to post this up and get your opinion....tell me what do you think and does it really matter???

According to a survey that was conducted there still is no right answer to all the titles given to us or created from our own, or, more precisely, no one answer.

Hispanic, Latino, Chicano, Xicano, Mexican or Mexican American?

According to a survey, "most of the 8,600 respondents identified with multiple identities."

Here are few respondents who shared their thoughts:

Pepe Carrillo, 50, a naturalized citizen who came to the U.S. at 11, said he describes himself as Cuban, American, Hispanic, and then Latino — usually in that order.

Lorenzo Barcelo, who is originally from the Dominican Republic, said he uses the terms Hispanic and Latino interchangeably. "To me, they are the same."

Louis Hollingsworth, an attorney, also said the way he identifies himself varies with the situation. "If I'm talking to people of Mexican or Latino descent, I identify myself as a Latino. If I'm talking to an Anglo I tend to say I'm Hispanic. If I'm asked what kind of Hispanic I am, I'll say I'm of Mexican descent.

So it looks like we're going to be doing the Hispanic/Latino two-step for the time being, although it does appear that Hispanic is gaining ground as the preferred term in business settings. I'm seeing a lot more job titles along the lines of "Director of Hispanic Marketing."

What do you think?

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