Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sometimes reality is something I refuse to allow take control of me...

Reality is LIFE, in its truest sense. the good, the Bad and the sometimes ugly.

I personally refuse to succumb to reality, sure I am AWARE of it...payments you need to make, work to complete, and a family to tend to. However, I don't allow the negatives in life get me down.

I say, if you want to give yourself a great chance in succeeding in life, you need to stay focused and that means not allowing negative thoughts and experiences hold you down.

Reality is something I refuse to allow take control of me.. what I mean is, I accept it for what it is ...and I move on.

Life can get hard sometimes, especially as we get older....I look it life through the eyes of a child wondrous it really is and full of possibilities. Reality may be that you have a crazy job, an ungrateful spouse or your neighbors suck, who cares I say....sure that may be the reality of the situation, however I choose to look on the brighter side of MY reality.


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