Sunday, August 5, 2007 To Create Talent Directory

DJ Nicci C chats it up with one of the creators, Marisol Martinez, of the blog Entertainment Brouhaha on Nic@Nine, about their goal of creating a new and fresh medium in the form of a Talent Directory for up and coming artists, actors, models and voice-over talent to go live sometime in 2008.

Here's a sneak peak at the interview.

DJ Nicci C: Hi Marisol , thats for taking the time to chat with me, tell me what is Entertainment Brouhaha? I don't think I even know what brouhaha means...

Marisol: You're very welcome, and thank you for having me on the show. Well,Entertainment Brouhaha is the title of our popular industry blog, its a combination of celebrity news, industry resources and soon access to a new talent directory that filmmakers and industry leaders can use to help them find new talent for their projects. Brouhaha means "commotion", which we think fits perfectly with hollywood, there's always some kind commotion going on, and its usually newsworthy to those who stay plugged into the industry!

DJ Nicci C: I got a chance to check out your press release and I have to say, there's are a lot of sites out there trying to do the same thing and are failing, why jump into this pool? What will make your talent directory any different?

Marisol: ... well, as you know the Entertainment Brouhaha Blog is geared towards helping anyone interested in the business get closer to their goals with helpful resources connecting them to Hollywood to help them get on the right track, and people are responding to it. I love this business and have been in it for quite some time starting back in the early 80's as an extra in small films, since then I've been enjoying this crazy ride. We started to see a lot of sites popping up trying to do what we are doing and have failed, mostly because of neglect.

.....Many of the site managers simply go to the site when someone signs up and never updates any of the information, links are dead and the site is rather poorly designed, no personal attention at all goes into them, and you sometimes never here from that site again after you've paid the fee.

...Our goal is to be involved 100% with the sites content on a daily basis, regularly updating our links, adding to our site and using a weekly newsletter to keep our users informed about the site. We decided to create this blog in hopes that one day this will be THE site to go to for all your industry needs, and soon we'll have a talent directory connected to the site to help actors and models promote their work and skills. The blog itself is becoming very popular, we're pretty happy with it....

DJ: I see a lot of sites that basically allow anyone to join, I mean anyone!.. they post photos that don't look very professional, and the entire site looks like a crazy combination of professionals and wannabe stars all meshed together, how will you try to prevent that from happening to yours?

Marisol: Number one, we will have some restrictions. Other sites only care to have you pay a fee. One main requirement is only professional looking photos are accepted, No nudity, and nothing deemed inappropriate or offensive. This is not an adult site, so clearly we will not have that type of photos displayed,this will be a professional talent directory for actors, models, voice-over talent and even stunt professionals. Also, we prefer that anyone signing up is already represented or has some work under their belt as well as training.

DJ: LOL...I know what you mean, I've seen some other sites and have to say the photos on many are quite shocking, and its clear that a huge portion of the registered users are not professionals, sounds like you're already setting yourself up for success,

Marisol: We hope so.

DJ Nicci C: Tell me, you mention about fee's other sites ask you to pay, is your site going to charge?

Marisol: Yes, our site will require that you pay a very small fee of $24.95 which gets you listed within our main Talent Directory, you can get up to 2 free photos and your contact info will be displayed underneath including your personal site if you have one. You can also have us place that link on our main page for only $45 per year, a picture link is $99. You also get our regular newsletter to keep you in the loop.

DJ Nicci C: Pretty affordable as we all know many actors and models are on a budget,what kind of visitors check out your site?

Marisol: We get a combination of everyone, from actors to directors. Thousands visit us from all over the world.

DJ Nicci C: What motivated you to even think about creating a talent directory?

Marisol: We started getting emails from those in the industry asking if we knew of some legit national talent directories they could check out, we figured this was an opportunity we needed to look into. The traffic from the blog was our starting point, we could use that to drive traffic to our up coming talent directory, hence allowing our users more exposure to the right people.

DJ Nicci c: I will definitely check out the site and tell everyone about it, sounds like you guys are going to be very busy.

Marisol: ...I think so too.

DJ Nicci C: Thank you for sitting down with me and giving me a little more insight on Entertainment Brouhaha, and good luck with everything.

Marisol: Thank you, it was my pleasure!

Contact Entertainment Brouhaha Here

September 2007 - For the full interview check out Nic@Nice.
One on One with the creator of Marisol Martinez.

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